Happy New Year!
Now we have a big updates. The new ticket editor, is supporting you now better, in case you want design the ticket template. Some fixes and new features.
Basic Plugin = 2.1.10 – 2024-01-14 =
- The expiration date is not shown anymore on the ticket scanner if it is not set or 0
- Save in WooCommerce order the public ticket id too
- Added a ticket PDF preview button to the Test Ticket Template Code option
- Option text fields are now 90% of the screen width
- Text editor for option wcTicketDesignerTemplateTest and the need to click on the save button for it
- Added to the template variables TICKET.start_time and TICKET.start_date_timestamp
- New function to ticket template available – getMediaData(media_id) – example {{ getMediaData(PRODUCT.get_image_id).url }} – [title, location, meta, url, suffix]
- Bug fix for missing date entry fields on the variant product
- Added test template chooser – it will load a template code into the test ticket template code area
- Added default template to choose
- Added one new ticket template to choose
- Fix label for the dropdown option of the product at the checkout
- Color on the ticket detail page for the label “wcTicketTransTicketRedeemed” will be green if still redeem operations are left
- Color on the ticket scanner for the label “wcTicketTransTicketRedeemed” will be green if still redeem operations are left
- QR image size for ticket badge added
- Added background image for ticket badge – wcTicketBadgeBG
- You can have now recurrent ticket product by just setting the time and not date part. This will calculate the entrance date to be today. If the end date is not set but the end time, then the start date will be used.
- The redeem amount of the product will be displayed below the button within the ticket scanner, if option active.
- Ticket admin detail view fix for the max redeem amount value – display
- New button “Remove Ticket Placeholder” to remove non-tickets from an order. This is helpful, if the ticket number placeholder was added by the system.
Premium – 1.3.5
- Expiration date is now also for variants possible
- New option to set the max amount of PDF tickets that are attached to the purchase email – wcTicketAttachTicketToMailMax
In case you want to revert your version:
You can download the old basic plugin from the advance tab on the plugin website. Install it manually via the plugin area.